Maple Granulated Sugar – Try This
Sprinkle on porridge, cereal, French toast,
apple crisp, coffee, tea and much more
Maple Soft Drink
Mix maple sugar into carbonated water
To avoid making a mess do no pour maple sugar into a container with a narrow neck and do not put the sugar in first – add sugar to water.
Pour carbonated water into a wide top container that can be closed, slowly add the maple sugar, close the container and then mix the water and syrup by gently rotating the container.
Add 2 TBSP of Granulated sugar to 1 cup of carbonated water. You can adjust the amount of sugar to your taste in sweetness.

Maple Granulated sugar is easy to take with you.
Convert maple granulated sugar to maple syrup by adding 7 TBSP of water to one packed cup of maple sugar – good for canoe and backpack camping.